blog > SekaiCTF 2023 Writeups

28 Aug 2023 ctfcrypto

SekaiCTF 2023 Writeups

Changelog (last updated 2023-08-31)

Update 2023-08-31: Expanded on writeups for RandSubWare and Noisier CRC

Full solution notebooks are available here.


By deut-erium

[Insert GPT-generated sampletext description here]

nc 3037


6 solves, 498 points

First blood 🩸 at 5:36:07 from CTF start.

We get an encryption oracle of a toy substitution-permutation network cipher with a randomly generated S-box and need to obtain the first round key.

The 5 rounds in this SPN cipher is highly suspicious. It turns out that the small number of rounds means that differences in ciphertext are poorly diffused, making it vulnerable to a differential attack. We can analyze this by simulating encryption locally with a random S-box and key leaking intermediate SPN states at the end of each step. Using this, we can observe how a 1-block difference in plaintext is eventually spread across the ciphertext at each step.

Analyze diffusion
from randsubware import gen_pbox, gen_sbox, SPN
import random
from import tqdm
import numpy as np

NUM_BOX = 16

pbox = gen_pbox(BOX_SIZE, NUM_BOX)

class MySPN(SPN):
    leak_steps_names = [
        "Round 0: ct = pt",
        "Round 0: ct = ct ^ self.round_keys[0]",
        "Round 1: ct = self.sbox(ct)",
        "Round 1: ct = self.perm(ct)",
        "Round 1: ct ^= round_key",
        "Round 2: ct = self.sbox(ct)",
        "Round 2: ct = self.perm(ct)",
        "Round 2: ct ^= round_key",
        "Round 3: ct = self.sbox(ct)",
        "Round 3: ct = self.perm(ct)",
        "Round 3: ct ^= round_key",
        "Round 4: ct = self.sbox(ct)",
        "Round 4: ct = self.perm(ct)",
        "Round 4: ct ^= round_key",
        "Round 5: ct = self.sbox(ct)",
        "Round 5: ct ^= round_key",

    def encrypt_and_leak(self, pt):
        # Re-implement with leak at each step
        leak_steps = []
        ct = pt ^ self.round_keys[0]
        for round_key in self.round_keys[1:-1]:
            ct = self.sbox(ct)
            ct = self.perm(ct)
            ct ^= round_key
        ct = self.sbox(ct)
        ct = ct ^ self.round_keys[-1]
        return leak_steps

def generate_one_block_difference_plaintexts():
    # Both have same blocks 1-15
    pt_head = random.randrange(0, 2**(TOTAL_SIZE - BOX_SIZE)) << BOX_SIZE
    # Both have different block 0
    pt_a_tail, pt_b_tail = random.randrange(0, 2**BOX_SIZE), random.randrange(0, 2**BOX_SIZE)
    pt_a, pt_b = pt_head + pt_a_tail, pt_head + pt_b_tail
    return pt_a, pt_b

n_iters = 25_000
samples = []
for _ in tqdm(range(n_iters)):
    # Randomly generated SPN sbox / key each time
    sbox = gen_sbox(BOX_SIZE)
    key = random.randrange(0, 2**TOTAL_SIZE)
    spn = MySPN(sbox, pbox, key, ROUNDS)

    # Make two plaintexts with only one block difference
    pt_a, pt_b = generate_one_block_difference_plaintexts()
    ct_a = spn.encrypt_and_leak(pt_a)
    ct_b = spn.encrypt_and_leak(pt_b)

    differential = [
        i ^ j
        for i, j in zip(ct_a, ct_b)
    differential_bits = np.array([
            for j in f"{i:096b}"[::-1]
        for i in differential

# hack from
float_formatter = "{:.2f}".format
np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float_kind':float_formatter}, linewidth=100)

mean_differential = np.array(samples).mean(axis=0)
mean_differential_2d = []
for step_name, differential in zip(MySPN.leak_steps_names, mean_differential):
    # print(f"mean different bits after {step_name}")
    differential_2d = differential.reshape((16, 6)).transpose()
    # print(differential_2d)
    mean_differential_2d.append((step_name, differential_2d))
Visualize diffusion
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation

heatmap_kwargs = {
    "cbar": False,
    "vmin": 0.0,
    "vmax": 1.0,
    "square": True,
    "annot": True,
    "fmt": ".2f",
    "cmap": "cividis"

ax_set_kwargs = {
    "xlabel": "block",
    "ylabel": "bit in block"

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
fig.set_size_inches(9, 4)

frame_data = (
    mean_differential_2d[:1] + # Repeat the starting frame once
    mean_differential_2d +
    mean_differential_2d[-1:] * 2 # Repeat the ending frame twice
zero_mat = np.zeros((6, 16))

def anim_init():
    plt.title("", loc='left')
    sns.heatmap(zero_mat, **heatmap_kwargs)

def anim_frame(i):
    step_name, data = frame_data[i]
    plt.title(f"Mean hamming distance of SPN state in 2 plaintexts with 1 block difference\n{step_name}", loc='left')
    sns.heatmap(data, **heatmap_kwargs)

# Animate!
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(
    fig, anim_frame, init_func=anim_init,
    frames=len(frame_data), repeat=False
pillowwriter = animation.PillowWriter(fps=1)"randsubware.gif", writer=pillowwriter)


In a ct = sbox(ct) step any differential is “spread” across an entire block; so long as any one bit in the block is different across two states the output of the sbox will be very different. In a ct = pbox(ct) step the differences in bits are rearranged around the SPN state. Any ct ^= round_key[i] step does not affect the difference in states because a^b == (a^x)^(b^x).

For good SPN ciphers, changing one bit in the plaintext should change at least half of the bits in the ouput. However, in this toy SPN’s 4th round each bit in the state only has a 0.4 chance of being different across two inputs with one block difference. We can use this to our advantage in leaking the last round key.

The server oracle outputs the SPN state at the end of the 5th round. Firstly, obtain some data by sending two plaintexts with only one block of difference. The key idea is to guess the last round key and simulate the decryption procedure just for the ct ^= round_key[5] and ct = ct.inv_sbox(ct) steps. If we did guess the round key correctly, the two ciphertexts at that point should follow a 0.4 chance of each bit being different and 0.6 chance of being equal. If the key is incorrect, we have effectively applied another round of encryption to the ciphertext and the probability of bits being different or equal should both tend towards 0.5. The true key will likely be the one which has the smallest hamming distance between partially decrypted ciphertexts.

By scaling up to 25k plaintext pairs and guessing the last round key one block at a time, we can efficiently and with good probability recover the correct last round key.

Query differential plaintext
from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long

r = remote("", 3037)
r.recvuntil(b"sbox: ")
sbox = list(bytes.fromhex(r.recvline().strip().decode()))

spnkey = 0 # dummy key
# local instance of SPN to help reversing steps
spn = SPN(sbox, pbox, spnkey, 5)

# Send differential inputs
payload = []
for _ in range(n_iters):
    pt_a, pt_b = generate_one_block_difference_plaintexts()

# Get differential outputs
r.recvuntil(b"Quota remaining:")
bulk_output = r.recvline().strip().decode()
output_pairs = []
for i in range(0, len(bulk_output), 48):
Solve for last round key
def solve_last_key(block_i):
    key_scores = []
    # For each possible key
    for guess_key in range(64):
        # Total hamming distance across all pairs of differential ciphertexts
        total_distance = 0
        for a, b in output_pairs:
            # Mask the selected block
            a_block = (a >> (block_i * 6)) & 63
            b_block = (b >> (block_i * 6)) & 63

            # Undo xorsub steps
            a_unxorsub = spn.SINV[a_block ^ guess_key]
            b_unxorsub = spn.SINV[b_block ^ guess_key]

            # Calculate hamming distance
            total_distance += (a_unxorsub ^ b_unxorsub).bit_count()
        key_scores.append((total_distance, guess_key))

    # Find key with best fit
    print(f"Block {block_i:>2} candidates: {key_scores[:3]}")
    return key_scores[0][1]

# Get the last key
last_key = []
for block_i in tqdm(range(16)):
print("last key blocks", last_key)
last_key = int("".join(f"{i:06b}" for i in last_key[::-1]), 2)
print("last key", last_key)
Block  0 candidates: [(73179, 44), (74083, 46), (74119, 63)]
Block  1 candidates: [(73558, 31), (73798, 35), (73879, 50)]
Block  2 candidates: [(73479, 9), (74058, 36), (74080, 21)]
Block  3 candidates: [(73280, 47), (74117, 38), (74126, 35)]
Block  4 candidates: [(73425, 6), (73964, 42), (73969, 51)]
Block  5 candidates: [(73600, 62), (74003, 31), (74072, 43)]
Block  6 candidates: [(73417, 1), (74151, 34), (74175, 23)]
Block  7 candidates: [(73216, 36), (73877, 60), (74039, 55)]
Block  8 candidates: [(73411, 16), (74016, 32), (74085, 44)]
Block  9 candidates: [(73033, 26), (73953, 0), (73986, 36)]
Block 10 candidates: [(73418, 8), (73769, 15), (74066, 14)]
Block 11 candidates: [(73436, 9), (74152, 4), (74199, 23)]
Block 12 candidates: [(73052, 37), (73842, 57), (73905, 24)]
Block 13 candidates: [(73231, 58), (74190, 59), (74212, 9)]
Block 14 candidates: [(73303, 21), (73809, 25), (74038, 15)]
Block 15 candidates: [(73294, 32), (74027, 43), (74057, 60)]
last key blocks [44, 31, 9, 47, 6, 62, 1, 36, 16, 26, 8, 9, 37, 58, 21, 32]
last key 40037985158246157615730825196
Recover first round key
from randsubware import rotate_left

first_key = last_key
for _ in range(5):
    first_key = rotate_left(
        spn.inv_sbox(first_key), TOTAL_SIZE - BOX_SIZE - 1, TOTAL_SIZE
print("first key", first_key)

first key 51786547602721728170223252735
b'Choose API option\n1. Test encryption\n2. Get Flag\n(int) key: SEKAI{d04e4ba19456a8a42584d5913275fe68c30893b74eb1df136051bbd2cd086dd0}'

Noisy CRC

By Utaha

I just learned that CRC can leak information about the original text, so I added noises to make it secure even if you can choose the generator polynomial! Good luck!

nc 3005


49 solves, 244 points

We can choose a CRC16 polynomial and the server gives us the CRC of a secret number jumbled with 2 other random 16 bit integers. We aren’t allowed to send the same polynomial twice which prevents us from selecting numbers which appear twice. Identifying the secret number lets us decyrpt the flag.

Mathematically, CRC behaves like polynomials in F2F_2, where the CRC of some ciphertext is the remainder of the ciphertext polynomial divided by the CRC polynomial. The oracle we are given is equivalent to Q(f(x))=s(x)modf(x)Q(f(x)) = s(x) \bmod f(x) for some fixed secret s(x)s(x)1 and user-supplied modulus f(x)f(x) where s(x),f(x)Pn(F2)s(x), f(x) \isin \mathcal{P}_n(F_2).

To find which are the true CRCs among the noise, we want some way to tell if two different CRCs using different moduli came from the same source input. We can use a property of the modulo operation and think about using composite moduli. If we fix a small “integrity modulus” polynomial g(x)g(x) and vary a large polynomial hi(x)h_i(x) such that fi(x)=g(x)hi(x)f_i(x) = g(x) \cdot h_i(x) has degree 16, two true CRCs taken residues modulo g(x)g(x) should be equal:

Q(g(x)hi(x))=s(x)modg(x)hi(x)Q(g(x)hi(x))modg(x)=(s(x)modg(x)hi(x))modg(x)=s(x)modg(x)    (independent of i)\begin{align*} Q(g(x) \cdot h_i(x)) &= s(x) \bmod g(x) \cdot h_i(x) \\ Q(g(x) \cdot h_i(x)) \bmod g(x) &= \Bigl( s(x) \bmod g(x) \cdot h_i(x) \Bigr) \bmod g(x) \\ &= s(x) \bmod g(x) \;\; \text{(independent of $i$)} \end{align*}

By querying with multiple CRC polynomials of this form, find the most common remainder when each of the CRCs are taken modulo g(x)g(x). Any CRC which does not have this remainder must have been from random noise. After filtering, select the instances where only one candidate is left and this must be a true CRC. The secret can then be recovered using the chinese remainder theorem. We know we have the correct secret if the resulting polynomial from CRT only has coefficients up to x512+16x^{512+16}. The flag can then be decrypted.

Query with integrity check
from pwn import *
from import tqdm

Fn = GF(2)
Rn.<x> = PolynomialRing(Fn)

r = remote("", int(3005))
r.recvuntil(b"flag: ")
flag_enc = r.recvline().strip().decode()

def oracle_send(x): # helper to query with polynomial
    x = ZZ(list(x.change_ring(ZZ)), 2)

def oracle_recv(): # helper to return polynomial
    r.recvuntil(b"ial: ")
    crcs = safeeval.expr(r.recvline())
    crcs = [ Rn(ZZ(crc).bits()) for crc in crcs ]
    return crcs

# Query 100 sets of g(x) * h_i(x)
n = 100
integrity_modulus = x^4 + x + 1
assert integrity_modulus.is_irreducible()

queries = []
while len(queries) < n:
    query = Rn.random_element(degree=12)
    # In case random_element collides
    if query not in queries:
        oracle_send(query * integrity_modulus)

results = []
for _ in tqdm(range(n)):
Filter using integrity check
from collections import Counter
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from hashlib import sha256
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

# Find the most common remainder when taken modulo integrity_modulus
integrity_check_ctr = Counter([
    j % integrity_modulus
    for i in results
    for j in i
top_three_integrity_remainders = integrity_check_ctr.most_common(3)
print("top (s(x) % g(x), count):", top_three_integrity_remainders)
integrity_remainder = top_three_integrity_remainders[0][0]
print("using integrity remainder", integrity_remainder)

# Most common residue must have appeared at least n times
assert top_three_integrity_remainders[0][1] >= n
assert top_three_integrity_remainders[1][1] < n

# Recover CRT parts
crt_res, crt_mod = [], []
for query, result in zip(queries, results):
    remainders_passing_integrity_check = [
        result_i for result_i in result
        if result_i % integrity_modulus == integrity_remainder
    if len(remainders_passing_integrity_check) == 1:
print(f"Found {len(crt_mod)} remainder / moduli pairs passing integrity check")

secret = CRT_list(crt_res, crt_mod)
secret = ZZ(list(secret.change_ring(ZZ)), 2) // 2^16

cipher =
enc_flag = cipher.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(flag_enc))
top (s(x) % g(x), count): [(x^3 + x^2, 113), (x^3 + x, 18), (x, 15)]
using integrity remainder x^3 + x^2
Found 87 remainder / moduli pairs passing integrity check
x^527 + x^524 + x^522 + x^521 + [...] + x^23 + x^21 + x^20 + x^19 + x^18

Noisier CRC

By Utaha

I made a serious mistake last time. Now it won’t be that easy!

nc 3006


8 solves, 495 points

There is a much better solution out there which doesn’t involve brute force, but this is what I managed during the CTF

We have a similar setup to Noisy CRC, but now:

  1. There are 12 extra random CRCs instead of 2 extra, for a total of 13 candidates per modulus.
  2. We must query with irreducible moduli, preventing us from using the “integrity check” strategy from earlier.
  3. Only 133 moduli can be queried.

To start with, since we can’t do much about the irreducible check just send 133 irreducible polynomials and obtain the noisy CRCs.

Query with irreducibles
from pwn import *
from import tqdm

# context.log_level = "debug"

Fn = GF(2)
Rn.<x> = PolynomialRing(Fn)

LOCAL = False
r = remote("", int(3006))

# # Local instance with side channel leak for sanity checking
# LOCAL = True
# r = process(["python", ""])

r.recvuntil(b"flag: ")
flag_enc = r.recvline().strip().decode()

def oracle_send(x): # helper to query with polynomial
    x = ZZ(list(x.change_ring(ZZ)), 2)

def oracle_recv(): # helper to return polynomial
    r.recvuntil(b"ial: ")
    crcs = safeeval.expr(r.recvline())
    crcs = [ Rn(ZZ(crc).bits()) for crc in crcs ]
    return crcs

# Query 133 sets of h_i(x)
n = 133

queries = []
while len(queries) < n:
    query = Rn.irreducible_element(16, algorithm="random")
    # In case irreducible_element collides
    if query not in queries:

results = []
for _ in tqdm(range(n)):


Theoretically, combining the correct CRC samples with CRT will produce a short 527-degree polynomial despite 2128-degree modulus. Since CRT is a linear combination of remainders, we can transform all of the noisy CRCs into the polynomials qi,j(x)q_{i, j}(x) that it would have contributed if it were included in CRT. We obtain 1729 different 2127-degree polynomials in F2F_22. The sum of the correct 133 polynomials will correspond to the short secret polynomial which we want to recover. We can model this selection as one variable for each noisy CRC Ai,jA_{i, j}, which is 00 if this polynomial is random noise and should not be selected or 11 if this polynomial is a true CRC value and will contribute to the secret polynomial s(x)s(x).

Raise with CRT
full_modulus = product(queries)
noisy_polynomials = []
for crc_mod, crc_remainders in zip(queries, results):
    full_modulus_less_crc_mod = Rn(full_modulus // crc_mod)
    for crc_remainder in crc_remainders:
        noisy_polynomials.append(CRT(crc_remainder, 0, crc_mod, full_modulus_less_crc_mod))

    # Sanity check if running locally
    import json
    with open("noisiercrc-localrun-leak.json") as f:
        leak_data = json.load(f)
    leak_correct_polynomials = [idx * 13 + x for idx, x in enumerate(leak_data["correct_positions"])]
    leak_sum_of_correct_polynomials = sum([noisy_polynomials[i] for i in leak_correct_polynomials])
    assert <= 527
i=0i<133  j=0j<13Ai,jqi,j(x)=s(x)mod2where  Ai,j{0,1},j=0j<13Ai,j=1\sum^{i<133}_{i=0} \; \sum^{j<13}_{j=0} A_{i, j} \cdot q_{i, j}(x) = s(x) \bmod 2 \\ \text{where} \; A_{i, j} \isin \{0, 1\}, \sum^{j<13}_{j=0} A_{i, j} = 1

We know the secret should only have coefficients between x16x^{16} and x527x^{527}. Conversely, all other coefficents of the sum of valid CRCs should eventually be 0. Using these known zeros, we can seperate the equation above for each power of xx turn this into a system of 1616 equations (21285122128 - 512 powers of xx) with 1729 unknowns (13313133*13 individual Ai,jA_{i, j}).

We have more unknowns than relationships, so there will be multiple solutions, to be exact up to 217291616=21332^{1729-1616} = 2^{133} of them. Sagemath lets us calculate the right kernel of the coefficient matrix; any solution must therefore lie in the lattice formed by the basis of this kernel.

Basis lattice
n_coeffs =

coeff_matrix = []
for noisy_polynomial in tqdm(noisy_polynomials):
    noisy_coeffs = list(noisy_polynomial)
    noisy_coeffs += [0] * (n_coeffs - len(noisy_coeffs))

# One column = one polynomial, one row = one coefficient
coeff_matrix = Matrix(Fn, coeff_matrix).transpose()

force_zero_indices = list(range(0, 16)) + list(range(16 + 512, n_coeffs))
force_zero_goal = vector([0] * len(force_zero_indices))
basis = coeff_matrix[force_zero_indices].right_kernel().basis()
basis_mat = Matrix(basis)

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1729 / 50, 113 / 50))
113 x 1729 dense matrix over Finite Field of size 2


Fortunately, we don’t need to iterate through all 21132^{113} possibilities. We know that the true combination of CRCs only involve 1 in every 13 noisy CRCs, and this corresponds to some linear combination of the basis vectors which has a low (but non-zero) hamming weight.

We can use this restriction to prune the search. See the nice diagonal of the basis lattice? If we guess the first 7-8 true CRCs from their groups of 13 noisy CRCs, we can use the sum of the corresponding basis vectors in the diagonal part of the basis to fix these bits. For any other rows that have high hamming weight but are not included in the diagonal, brute force the addition of all subsets of them. When any resultant combination has a low hamming weight, this is a possible solution.

Estimating bruteforce parameters
n_ident = None
for d in range(80, 112):
    if basis_mat[:d, :d] == Matrix.identity(d):
        n_ident = d

basis_mat_colsum = sum(basis_mat.change_ring(ZZ).columns())
highweights = []
for d in range(n_ident, 112):
    if basis_mat_colsum[d] > 40:

n_fix = n_ident // 13
n_tail = ZZ(n_ident % 13)

estimated_bruteforce = 13^n_fix * (n_tail + 1) * 2^len(highweights)
print(f"{estimated_bruteforce=} ({estimated_bruteforce.nbits()} bit)")
estimated_bruteforce=188245551 (28 bit)
Brute force for short vector
from gmpy2 import mpz
import itertools
from multiprocessing import Pool

basis_mpz = [
    mpz("".join([str(i) for i in basis_row][::-1]), 2)
    for basis_row in basis

fix_groups = []
for fix_group_i in range(n_fix):
    fix_group = basis_mpz[13*fix_group_i:13*(fix_group_i+1)]

tail_group = [mpz(0)] + basis_mpz[13*n_fix:13*n_fix+n_tail]

highweight_group = [mpz(0)]
for highweight_row in highweights:
    highweight_group = highweight_group + [
        x ^^ basis_mpz[highweight_row]
        for x in highweight_group

def xor_hamming_weight(x):
    a = mpz(int(0))
    for i in x:
        a = a ^^ i
    res = bin(a).count("1")
    if res < 400:
        return res, x
        return None

search_space = fix_groups + [tail_group, highweight_group]

found_solns = []
with Pool(16) as pool:
    for res in tqdm(
        pool.imap_unordered(xor_hamming_weight, itertools.product(*search_space), chunksize=100000),
        if res is None:
(134, (mpz(1682891056205077954240730947014674[...]2567431504905514254336), mpz(0), mpz(0)))

With this possible solution, throw away any groups of 13 noisy CRCs which have more than one CRC selected; the remainder will all correspond to the true CRCs. All that is left is to decrypt the flag.

Recover secret
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from hashlib import sha256
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

x = found_solns[0]
a = mpz(0)
for i in x:
    a = a ^^ i

crt_res, crt_mod = [], []
for batch_i, (crc_mod, crc_remainders) in enumerate(zip(queries, results)):
    candidate_remainders = []

    for pos in range(13):
        if a.bit_test(batch_i * 13 + pos):

    if len(candidate_remainders) == 1:
print(f"Found {len(crt_mod)} remainder / moduli pairs passing hamming weight check")

secret = CRT_list(crt_res, crt_mod)
secret = ZZ(list(secret.change_ring(ZZ)), 2) // 2^16

cipher =
enc_flag = cipher.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(flag_enc))
Found 132 remainder / moduli pairs passing hamming weight check
x^525 + x^524 + x^522 + x^521 + [...] + x^24 + x^22 + x^20 + x^19 + x^17 + x^16

Thanks, I hate CRC now.

Intended solution using combinatoric linearisation

I learnt about this after the CTF ended. References 1

When modelling the selection problem earlier, we used 1729 variables Ai,jA_{i,j} to model if some polynomial is selected or should be ignored, creating 13 unknowns per set of noisy CRCs collected. We can reduce our solution space by instead “assuming” the first polynomial is the true CRC and then create 12 other choices that each “unselects” the first polynomial and introduces some other polynomial as the true CRC, encoded by a new variable we can call Bi,jB_{i, j}.

i=0i<133  j=0j<13Ai,jqi,j(x)=s(x)mod2i=0i<133  j=1j<13Bi,j(qi,j(x)qi,0(x))=s(x)i=0i<133qi,0(x)mod2where  Bi,j{0,1},j=1j<13Bi,j1\begin{align*} \sum^{i<133}_{i=0} \; \sum^{j<13}_{j=0} A_{i, j} \cdot q_{i, j}(x) & = s(x) \bmod 2 \\ \sum^{i<133}_{i=0} \; \sum^{j<13}_{j=1} B_{i, j} \cdot \Big( q_{i, j}(x) - q_{i, 0}(x) \Big) & = s(x) - \sum^{i<133}_{i=0} q_{i, 0}(x) \bmod 2 \\ \end{align*} \\ \text{where} \; B_{i, j} \isin \{0, 1\}, \sum^{j<13}_{j=1} B_{i, j} \leq 1

This way, we have encoded the 13 possible selections of the true CRC only using 12 variables. If we obtain a solution where Bi,j=1B_{i, j} = 1, this means that the jj-th CRC is a true CRC. If all of Bi,j=0B_{i, j} = 0 for some fixed ii, this means that the first CRC was the true CRC since we did not “swap” out the original solution.

Using this compression of the combinatoric problem, we now have 13312=1596133*12=1596 variables across 16161616 relations and can efficiently solve this system of equations, though a trivial amount of brute force over the kernel of the coefficient matrix may still be required.

Combining this with the focused brute force approach from earlier, author Utaha says that the minimum queries required can drop to around 103 queries. In my limited testing I’ve found that this is possible with 101 queries and 32 bit brute force if you’re lucky.

For another challenge about linearisation, see imaginaryCTF 2023 Flagtor.


By deut-erium

Welcome to the Diffecientwo Caching Database API for tracking and storing content across social media. We have repurposed our security product, as saving the admin key was probably not the best idea.

We have decided to change our policies and to achieve better marketing, we are offering free API KEY to customers sharing #SEKAICTF #DEUTERIUM #DIFFECIENTWO #CRYPTO on LonelyFans (our premium business partner).

nc 3000


13 solves, 484 points

A server implements a bloom filter with murmurhash3 using fixed known seeds of 0-63. We can add 22 new items of at most length 32 to the bloom filter and need to manipulate the bloom filter such that the length 42 magic string #SEKAICTF #DEUTERIUM #DIFFECIENTWO #CRYPTO is in the filter.

We want to generate some messages which when passed throught the bloom filter collide with at least 33 of the hashes derived from the magic string. We can try to cause this collision by solving for inputs using z3. One key observation for speedup is to only constrain collisions only immediately after the xor length operation in murmurhash3 as the bit shift operations after that are not easily invertible.

Symbolic mmh3
import random
import z3

def chunk(x, bs=4):
    return [
        for i in range(0, len(x), bs)

# ====================== pure impl ======================

def mask(x, m=0xffffffff):
    return x & m

def rotl32(x, n):
    return mask((x << n) | (x >> (32-n)))

def mmh3_block(h, data):
    k = data
    k = mask(k * 0xcc9e2d51)
    k = rotl32(k, 15)
    k = mask(k * 0x1b873593)

    h = h ^ k
    h = rotl32(h, 13)
    h = mask(h * 5 + 0xe6546b64)

    return h

def mmh3_tail(h, tail):
    k = tail
    k = mask(k * 0xcc9e2d51)
    k = rotl32(k, 15)
    k = mask(k * 0x1b873593)

    h = h ^ k

    return h

def mmh3_addlen(h, total_len):
    return h ^ total_len

def mmh3_finalize(h):
    h = h ^ (h >> 16)
    h = mask(h * 0x85ebca6b)
    h = h ^ (h >> 13)
    h = mask(h * 0xc2b2ae35)
    h = h ^ (h >> 16)

    return h

def mmh3(data, tail=None, tail_len=0, seed=0x0):
    if isinstance(data, bytes):
        data = chunk(data)
        if len(data[-1]) != 4:
            data, tail = data[:-1], data[-1]
            tail_len = len(tail)

        data = [
            int.from_bytes(data_i, "little")
            for data_i in data
        if tail is not None:
            tail = int.from_bytes(tail, "little")

    trace = {
        "blocks": [],
        "tail": None,
        "addlen": None,
        "final": None

    total_len = len(data) * 4 + tail_len

    cur_hash = seed
    for data_i in data:
        cur_hash = mmh3_block(cur_hash, data_i)

    if tail is not None:
        cur_hash = mmh3_tail(cur_hash, tail)
        trace["tail"] = cur_hash

    cur_hash = mmh3_addlen(cur_hash, total_len)
    trace["addlen"] = cur_hash

    cur_hash = mmh3_finalize(cur_hash)
    trace["final"] = cur_hash

    return trace

# ====================== symbolics ======================

def rotl32_sym(x, n):
    new_left, new_right = z3.Extract(31-n, 0, x), z3.Extract(31, 31-n+1, x)
    return z3.Concat(new_left, new_right)

def mmh3sym_block(h, data):
    k = data
    k = k * 0xcc9e2d51
    k = rotl32_sym(k, 15)
    k = k * 0x1b873593

    h = h ^ k
    h = rotl32_sym(h, 13)
    h = h * 5 + 0xe6546b64

    return h

def mmh3sym_tail(h, tail):
    k = tail
    k = k * 0xcc9e2d51
    k = rotl32_sym(k, 15)
    k = k * 0x1b873593

    h = h ^ k

    return h

def mmh3sym_addlen(h, total_len):
    return h ^ total_len

def mmh3sym_finalize(h):
    h = h ^ z3.LShR(h, 16)
    h = h * 0x85ebca6b
    h = h ^ z3.LShR(h, 13)
    h = h * 0xc2b2ae35
    h = h ^ z3.LShR(h, 16)

    return h

def mmh3sym(data, tail=None, tail_len=0, seed=0x0, solver=None):
    nonce = random.randbytes(8).hex()
    def save_bv(suffix, eqn):
        new_bv = z3.BitVec(f"mmh3_{nonce}_{suffix}", 32)
        solver.add(new_bv == eqn)
        return new_bv

    trace = {
        "blocks": [],
        "tail": None,
        "addlen": None,
        "final": None

    total_len = len(data) * 4 + tail_len
    cur_hash = seed
    for i, data_i in enumerate(data):
        cur_hash = mmh3sym_block(cur_hash, data_i)

        cur_hash = save_bv(f"b{i}", cur_hash)

    if tail is not None:
        cur_hash = mmh3sym_tail(cur_hash, tail)

        cur_hash = save_bv("t", cur_hash)
        trace["tail"] = cur_hash

    cur_hash = mmh3sym_addlen(cur_hash, total_len)
    cur_hash = save_bv("l", cur_hash)
    trace["addlen"] = cur_hash

    cur_hash = mmh3sym_finalize(cur_hash)

    cur_hash = save_bv("f", cur_hash)
    trace["final"] = cur_hash

    return trace
Obtain preimage

addlen_goals = []
for seed in range(0, 64):
    addlen_goals.append((seed, mmh3(magic, seed=seed)["addlen"]))
[(0, 2538403748), (1, 2698667000), (2, 2611445724), [...], (62, 2779364044), (63, 3988978496)]
z3 for collision
from multiprocessing import Pool
from import tqdm

def solve_slice(addlen_slice):
    s = z3.Solver()
    n_chunks = 6
    d_chunks = [z3.BitVec(f"d{i}", 32) for i in range(n_chunks)]

    for j, (_, addlen) in enumerate(addlen_slice):
        # print(f"Solving seed={j} => addlen={addlen}")
        s.add(mmh3sym(d_chunks, seed=j, solver=s)["addlen"] == addlen)
    if str(s.check()) != "sat":
        return [i[0] for i in addlen_slice], "err"

    m = s.model()
    d_hex = "".join([m[i].as_long().to_bytes(4, "little").hex() for i in d_chunks])
    return [i[0] for i in addlen_slice], d_hex

collisions = []
with Pool(16) as p:
    slices = chunk(addlen_goals, 3)
    for res in tqdm(p.imap_unordered(solve_slice, slices), total=len(slices)):
([15, 16, 17], '42cef17b4ab3914caa86fcd4132bcffe03034c0fd3cd151c')
([21, 22, 23], 'c7915c2ec5f0db9d427b05c9c90fae0feb40d40be24b3dd0')
([45, 46, 47], '0643d2cfb6b85605b114b34b54af84ed155b684ce487ec2c')
([30, 31, 32], '6b86b777986f37df94e9c10aa3dc4b55cd7ccd032c86a207')
([24, 25, 26], '49fc091621b7060584547b341b6975444d979c1181a25ae7')
([0, 1, 2], 'ebdbe651d60a7cc3a42cbb26448e587aab494e6b0cd98a26')
([63], 'ce55c8f2061a0a3bcd32f20b2711dcd1d5b3ce62f4bb4897')
([36, 37, 38], '99d06c7fb227fd3dd553532f31c268578e4b96761c510d9e')
([9, 10, 11], '98eff98f0bac953b92e337153fbcd4ab5e301226a7ce663f')
([3, 4, 5], '13a180bb5c26510922eb0af67841ba40dd3559bdf2ff20ea')
([6, 7, 8], '64e17ffd878c46d812617ea61e9edd1a1363f5e73bb047e9')
([39, 40, 41], 'fc1b50b8727c1ba1cb920804801d2a46d9f1eef72ad7d433')
([33, 34, 35], '6f6a24b7ee163935c1f48aecf1396e67af96506985245acf')
([54, 55, 56], 'fe32ca63e9d2a3a737ef462aa3e7955fe059c1aac1cbb0cf')
([51, 52, 53], '9677651246c8bace2dcba8a25206aea221f676033e0a0893')
([18, 19, 20], '221472f37a1bf41dd834d48edbdc06c0f7114d11bbc002c6')
([57, 58, 59], 'fe30b5177fb89866e513ceb798d6bd871c607f88a87156a8')
([42, 43, 44], '7b883b7441140a34d02d2305ec57ff1dc4f83cd947692375')
([12, 13, 14], 'cab82d6d2af0a11595aabd6b29b849873259740878f1c158')
([60, 61, 62], '56ad79ed9a3628a339102f487926486c71b070fa4c6605c8')
([27, 28, 29], '8bacbfbddbb20879fdf3425d4c5918c98949096f2bbcfa47')
([48, 49, 50], '019b3cbb4f85ee53ca123052f11d892442d58a524dfd949f')
Claim flag
from pwn import *

payload = []
for _, i in collisions:
payload = "\n".join(payload)

r = remote("", 3000)

cryptoGRAPHy 1

By sahuang

Graphs have gained an increasing amount of attention in the world of Cryptography. They are used to model many real-world problems ranging from social media to traffic routing networks. Designing a secure Graph Encryption Scheme (GES) is important as querying plaintext graph database can leak sensitive information about the users.

In this challenge I have implemented a novel GES. Please help me verify if the cryptosystem works.

Note: remains unchanged in this series. The flag for this challenge will be used to access the next one when unlocked.

nc 3001

Attachment: >

76 solves, 100 points

The source code given is quite dense, but what matters is that we are given some sort of AES key at the start and asked to obtain information from some ciphertext. Reading the source tells us we need to use the front 16 bytes of the key and then decyrpt chunks of the ciphertext 32 bytes at a time using the provided utils.SymmetricDecrypt. This reveals information about the IDs of the nodes visited in order.

Decrypt path with key
from pwn import *
from libgraph import utils
from import tqdm

r = remote("", 3001)

r.recvuntil(b"Key: ")
sk = bytes.fromhex(r.recvline().strip().decode())
sk_ske, sk_des = sk[:16], sk[16:]

def do_round():
    r.recvuntil(b"/50: ")

    # Pull starting node ID in plaintext
    src, _ = [int(i) for i in r.recvline().strip().decode().split()]
    r.recvuntil(b"Response: ")
    response_full = bytes.fromhex(r.recvline().strip().decode())

    path = [src]
    for i in range(0, len(response_full), 32):
        # Decrypt next node ID in path
        step_tuple = utils.SymmetricDecrypt(sk_ske, response_full[i:i+32])
        step_tuple = [int(i) for i in step_tuple.decode().split(",")]
        path += [step_tuple[0]]
    r.sendline(" ".join(str(i) for i in path).encode())

for _ in tqdm(range(50)):
b'> Original query: [+] Flag: SEKAI{GES_15_34sy_2_br34k_kn@w1ng_th3_k3y}'

cryptoGRAPHy 2

By sahuang

I am wondering what can be leaked in my GES. Let me know if you can recover the graph structure in an Honest-But-Curious setting.

Note: remains unchanged in this series. The flag for this challenge will be used to access the next one when unlocked.

nc 3062


55 solves, 176 points

We can query with a start node and end node and are given the “tokens” of each node on the way to destination. The challenge wants us to reproduce the “node degrees in the single-destination shortest path tree”.

Query the paths of each starting node to the fixed destination node, generate a list of edges connecting adjacent tokens in all paths and re-build a “tree of tokens” (instead of tree of node IDs) with this edge list. Finally calculate the degree of each node and sort accordingly.

Calculate degree with tokens
from pwn import *
from import tqdm

r = remote("", 3062)

def do_round():
    # Recieve destination
    r.recvuntil(b"Destination: ")
    dst = int(r.recvline().strip().decode())

    # Query all paths from * -> destination
    for i in range(130):
        if i == dst:

    # Recover adjacency lists
    token_adj = defaultdict(set)
    for i in range(130):
        if i == dst:
        r.recvuntil(b"Token: ")
        token = r.recvline().strip().decode()
        r.recvuntil(b"Query Response: ")
        trace = r.recvline().strip().decode()
        trace = trace[:64]


    # Calculate degrees
    proof = " ".join([str(i) for i in sorted([len(i) for i in token_adj.values()])])

for _ in tqdm(range(10)):
b'> Query u,v: [!] Invalid query!\n> Answer: [+] Flag: SEKAI{3ff1c13nt_GES_4_Shortest-Path-Queries-_-}'

cryptoGRAPHy 3

By sahuang

Here is the hardest part: Can you directly recover the shortest path query if you are the server, having access to the original graph and all queries? (On a side note, this setting is somewhat realistic in scenarios such as Google Maps, where the whole routing map is available to the adversary.)

Note: remains unchanged in this series. This is the last challenge.

nc 3023


31 solves, 400 points

We are given an edge list with original node IDs of a tree graph, all the lists of tokens for all possible shortest paths in a tree graph and need to find a way to map tokens back to their original node ID.

For each shortest path, the last 32-byte token uniquely identifies the “single source” of the shortest path. We can group all of the shortest paths using by the “single source token”, then reconstruct the tree graph like in part 2 to obtain 60 different trees. All of these trees represent the same tree but with different a different root. We now need to find a way to convert trees with different root to the original node IDs.

Save original tree and group by family
from pwn import *

r = remote("", 3023)

# Original edge list
r.recvuntil(b"Edges: ")
edges = safeeval.expr(r.recvline().strip().decode())

# All token shortest paths
r.recvuntil(b"Query Responses: \n")
apsp_tokens = r.recvuntil(b"============ MENU ============").strip().decode()
apsp_tokens = apsp_tokens.split("\n")[:-1]

# Map of family to adjacency lists
# graphs[graph_family][a] = set(nodes connected to a)
graphs = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))

for src, dst in edges:

# For all paths, group by family
for tokens_resp in apsp_tokens:
    tokens, _resp = tokens_resp.split(" ") # We can throw away resp
    tokens = chunk(tokens)
    family = tokens[-1] # Each tree is uniquely identified by the last token

    # Recover edge list
    for src, dst in zip(tokens, tokens[1:]):

First, find a node that can be uniquely identified from the tree structure, such as selecting the node with largest out-degree (and/or reconnecting until there is only 1 such node). Next, re-root each tree at that unqiue node. Ensure children are visited in the same order by implementing some kind of subtree hash function4. Repeat this one last time using the edge list given at the start. All the trees will now have the same structure and we can map tokens to original node IDs by finding its path from root (e.g. using preorder).

Re-root trees
from import tqdm

def get_nodes_of_max_degree(g):
    maximal_degree = max(len(v) for v in g.values())
    nodes_with_maximal_degree = [k for k, v in g.items() if len(v) == maximal_degree]
    return nodes_with_maximal_degree

# Ensure we have 1 unique node to root with
assert len(get_nodes_of_max_degree(graphs["original"])) == 1

def chunk(x, bs=64):
    return [ x[i:i+bs] for i in range(0, len(x), bs) ]

def root_graph(g):
    root_node = get_nodes_of_max_degree(g)[0]

    # children[node] = [children sorted by subtree hash]
    children = {}

    # DFS and return subtree hash, while building children
    def dfs1(node):
        children[node] = []
        children_hashes = []
        for other in g[node]:
            if other in children:
                # Already visited, skip
            children_hashes.append((dfs1(other), other))

        if len(children_hashes) == 0:
            return "()" # leaf case

        children_hashes.sort() # Sort children by subtree hash
        own_hash, children[node] = list(zip(*children_hashes))
        # Ensure children's subtrees are unique, otherwise the tree cannot be uniquely rooted
        assert len(set(own_hash)) == len(own_hash)

        # Calculate subtree hash, thankfully only 60 nodes in this tree
        # so we can abuse strings
        return  "(" + "".join(own_hash) + ")"

    # Recover preorder
    preorder = 0
    node_to_preorder = {}
    def dfs2(node):
        nonlocal preorder
        node_to_preorder[node] = preorder
        preorder += 1
        for child in children[node]:

    return node_to_preorder

# family_nodeid_to_preorder[family][token] = preorder when re-rooted
family_token_to_preorder = {}
for family in tqdm(graphs):
    family_token_to_preorder[family] = root_graph(graphs[family])
preorder_to_nodeid = {v: k for k, v in family_token_to_preorder["original"].items()}
Recover original node IDs
def do_round():
    r.recvuntil(b"Token: ")
    token = r.recvline().strip().decode()
    r.recvuntil(b"Query Response: ")
    trace = r.recvline().strip().decode()

    parts = chunk(token + trace[:len(trace)//2])
    family = parts[-1]

    steps = []
    for part in parts:
    ans = " ".join(str(i) for i in steps)

for _ in tqdm(range(10)):
b'> Original query: [+] Flag: SEKAI{Full_QR_Attack_is_not_easy_}'


  1. Technically it is s(x)x16s(x) \cdot x^{16} because CRC16 will shift the input data 16 bits left before processing.

  2. 133 samples * 13 noisy CRCs = 1729 polynomials, 133 samples * 16 degree per moduli = 2128 degree of combined product.

  3. round(64/22)
